Strategies To Win Monopoly

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  1. Money In Monopoly
  2. List Of Monopoly Game Versions

20 tips and strategies to win at Monopoly: The first phase of the game is the most important. Always buy railroads. Avoid buying hotels. Develop properties aggressively. The Monopoly Deal Card game is exciting and fast paced. While there isn't as much strategy involved as in a chess game, there are some basic ideas and concepts that can really improve your game. Play Money First. The basic idea behind this strategy is to build up a.

Avoid Park Lane. Park Lane is the least landed-on square in the whole game as the Go To Jail space. Interestingly, the probabilities of two previous rolls being doubles is slightly different on certain squares for the two jail strategies. Additionally, the average roll when landing on a utility is a bit lower or higher than 7 depending on the utility and the jail strategy, which affects the rent value.

If you've ever played Monopoly then you know that snatching up all the properties of the same color gains you a monopoly. It's nice to collect rent on a square that gets landed on frequently, but if you land on Illinois Avenue repeatedly, at $20 each time, that might not cause you to win or lose the game.

I don't play three-hour games of Monopoly. Here's the blitzkrieg strategy I use to win (or lose, but mostly win) as quickly as possible.

I don't play three-hour games of Monopoly. My average game lasts about a half hour — that's all it takes to either win or lose massively. And I prefer it that way.

A few years back, when I tore my ACL, my friends would come over and play quite a few board games. One that came up a lot was Monopoly. The only problem: My friend Adam and I both play an ultra-aggressive, cutthroat style that's quite different than the Monopoly everyone grows up playing with their families. We essentially play Monopoly like real estate moguls in the mid-2000s — get our hands on as much property as possible, borrow against most of them to build like crazy on a few, either make a fortune or promptly declare bankruptcy.

As a very competitive person I almost didn't want to write this list because I figured it might give my friends too much insight they could use to beat me in the future. But that's crazy, right? Right?

Anyway, here are my 11 strategies for dominating Monopoly by turning it from a marathon into a blitzkrieg sprint to the finish. Please use it freely to infuriate and dominate your family and friends who thought they were just settling down for a nice, long, relaxing night of smiles and camaraderie.

1 | Push to make Free Parking as lucrative as possible

When you're deciding on the house rules before the game, the key things you want to push are: As much money in Free Parking as possible (at a minimum it should be all taxes/penalties), and $400 for landing exactly on Go.

You want plenty of opportunities to get quick, large windfalls because you'll either get that cash yourself and be able to build quicker… or, because of your hardcore strategy, you'll take that money from other players and then use it to crush them further. There's no such thing as massive inflation in Monopoly, because the housing prices don't go up when you flood the market with cash. Monopoly economics don't equal real world economics. And you can take my word for it because my last name is Greenspan.

2 | Buy as much property as you can early on, even Baltic or Mediterranean

Your two goals early are (1) get a Monopoly as quickly as possible and (2) own at least one property from every color group to have full control over every possible Monopoly. Monopoly games, much like cable TV providers, rely on crushing people's souls with monopolies. So if you have a Monopoly and can block every single other Monopoly, your chance of losing quickly approaches zero (unless someone owns railroads and you have horrible, horrible rolling luck).

Even if you have Baltic and Mediterranean, you will very gradually bleed the other person dry… but it will be a long, slow, boring death. Like, if you decided to kill someone by planting a tree in their yard, waiting until it grew taller than their house, then chopping it down so it lands on them. That's victory via Baltic.

3 | Do not buy the utilities

Electric Company and Water Works are basically useless and just like setting money on fire early. Like the railroads, they don't lead to a Monopoly; but at least the railroads have a chance to take a few hundred dollars from someone on all four sides of the board. Plus people actually want the railroads in trades and look at them on nearly the same level as real properties — the utilities are on the same level as throwing in a Get Out of Jail Free card or an offer to be the person who gets up to go to the kitchen.

There are only two utilities, and they only have a one-in-36 chance of bringing you $120 if someone lands there. More likely it will be $70 — or $28 if you only own one. That amount of money can't win a game; you're better off investing the $300 it would cost to buy them into a real property or a hotel.

4 | Get out of jail as quickly as possible until a Monopoly has been made

You don't have time to be in jail when everyone's making the initial land rush. It's fine to be in jail after you've built some houses through a flurry of questionable mortgages and ill-gotten tax gains. (Officially, you can still collect money while you're in jail.)

5 | If you must buy railroads (I do not), plan to use them as trade bait

I don't really like the railroads. Early on, I hate dumping $200 each on them. Other people disagree and look at them as a way to grab a decent amount of money early in the game. Either way, they become far less significant once there are Monopolies with houses/hotels collecting much, much bigger sums. That's the point where you can use them as trade bait — or, to put it another way, as a sack of magic beans. A lot of people are suckers for railroads — maybe you can trade the railroads straight up for a property that gives you a Monopoly.

6 | Never make a trade until one player has a Monopoly (and never make a trade that gives someone a Monopoly without you getting one in return)

There are two phases of the game: Before someone has a Monopoly and after the first Monopoly is made. Don't make a trade in the first phase unless someone is giving you a Monopoly without you giving them one back in return. Your goal is to be the first and only person on the board with a Monopoly. And then to taunt people about it. Don't forget the taunting.

7 | If you must trade look to get two Monopolies for one in a trade

If a few players have Monopolies and you must make a trade, try to figure out a way to get two Monopolies by offering one. Example: If you can get two lesser Monopolies for one of the Greens or Boardwalk/Park Place, do it. Especially if you're playing with a finite number of houses and hotels, since it'll be cheaper for you to hoard them on your less-expensive land. Of course, like many of the other trading strategies on this list, this will only work until your opponents figure out your strategy and stop trading with you. Unless you're playing with little kids — you can keep on crushing them for years before they figure out how to stop you.

8 | Once you have a Monopoly, mortgage EVERYTHING

Now that you have a Monopoly, you win the game by punishing people for landing on it. And as people in real life will tell you, mortgages are awesome. So mortgage everything you've got (except the two or three properties in your Monopoly) and build as many houses/hotels as possible as quickly as possible. Your mortgaged properties are still blocking other people from getting Monopolies, meanwhile you're using the cash from them to build on your good properties. And, really, there's no reason to ever unmortgage them — collecting anywhere from $4 to $50 isn't going to make a difference when the properties in your Monopoly are collecting hundreds or thousands.

9 | Do keep a few hundred bucks on hand though

It's disappointing when you're fully mortgaged, have houses on all your properties… then you get elected Chairman of the Board or you land on, like, Marvin Gardens and you have to sell back a house. Try to keep your bank supply around $300 or so, which is enough to weather anything except someone else's housed-up Monopoly. Not being able to come up with $45 in Monopoly money is arguably more embarrassing and shows less financial acumen than not being able to come up with $45 in real life.

10 | Get to three houses per property as quickly as possible

If you look at the pay schedule on any property, you see that one house doesn't get you that much money. The best craps strategy. Two houses is a decent bump, but still not a killer. But once you make the jump to three houses there's a massive price difference. Your goal for every Monopoly is to get three houses on your two or three properties because that's the best value for your money. No reason to make that push to four houses or a hotel right away; as long as you're at three, you're doing fine. Then once people land on them a few times you'll have enough to buy hotels.

11 | Know when to concede or to convince your opponent to concede

You're looking to win (or, less frequently, lose) very quickly. So, if one person has any Monopoly and blocks on every other Monopoly, concede. Even if one person has a weak Monopoly and blocks on every other Monopoly, concede. If you're playing with multiple people and there's no way to make any trades where everyone's happy, call it a game. And if you have a Monopoly and a full board of blocks, convince your opponent or opponents to concede.

Yes, if one person concedes their properties go back in the mix. And the other players could buy those and keep the game going. But that's no fun as a group. So concede collectively and start again. With this style you can play two or three games in the time it would normally take to play one.

And sure, after playing this style, it may be hard to convince people to quit because they're suspicious of you. Just remind them: Anti-trust is never good for Monopoly. Then say 'HI-YO!'

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Want to become a Monopoly champion? Believe it or not, there are some tips and tricks you can use to increase your odds of winning. And you are about to learn 20 of them right now!

20 tips and strategies to win at Monopoly:

  1. The first phase of the game is the most important.
  2. Always buy railroads.
  3. Avoid buying hotels.
  4. Develop properties aggressively.
  5. Focus on developing 3 properties on each street as quickly as possible.
  6. Create a housing shortage.
  7. Purchase orange and red properties.
  8. Focus on acquiring complete color groups early on.
  9. If you don't build on single properties, they aren't a good investment.
  10. Don't waste money on utilities.
  11. Later in the game, jail can be a good thing.
  12. Create sustainable cash-flow by thinking small.
  13. Invest in properties 7 squares away from opponents.
  14. As soon as you get a set, mortgage everything.
  15. Buy, sell, and rent properties while in jail (check the rules).
  16. Form alliances to stop winning players.
  17. Refuse to play 'house rules'.
  18. Borrow as much as you need.
  19. First, develop the property with a 'go-to' card.
  20. Avoid the greens.

Believe it or not, I have applied these 20 general tips and tricks to my game strategy, and I have found that my wins have increased. It's safe to say that putting a bit of thought into the game can help you to win at Monopoly. After all, it is not just a game of chance or luck. If you would like to take a closer look at the abovementioned tips and why they increase your chances of winning, read on.

How to Increase Your Chances of Winning a Monopoly

Winning at Monopoly isn't difficult; you just have to be strategic. There are tried and tested strategies that have helped professional Monopoly players earn themselves renowned wins. And now you can learn about these tricks and strategies too. Below are 20 general tips for increasing the odds in your favor when you play your next game of Monopoly.

1. The first phase of the game is the most important.

It's hard to catch someone who has had a good start in a game of Monopoly. When you first begin, start buying and trading immediately. The faster you establish wealth, the greater your chances of winning. This is why the first phase of the game is important. It is not always the case, but in most cases, if you have a poor start, the rest of the game will be quite poor too.

2. Always buy Railroads.


Always, always, always buy railroads if you can. Why, you ask? When you own railroads, you have a much greater chance of winning. Especially if you own all 4 railroads as every time someone lands on one, you can earn the maximum income of $200. When you own them all, there's a strong possibility that players will land on them at least once each during the game. Even if you cannot own all 4 railroads, owning one is still a great booster for you as it will go a long way to reducing your opponent's incomes.

3. Avoid buying hotels.

Hotels don't provide nearly as much revenue potential as owning 3 houses does. If you are focusing on buying hotels, you are leaving it open for your opponents to buy houses – and that could be detrimental to your end game.

4. Develop properties aggressively.

There's no point in being slow with property development. The idea is to get the property developed as quickly as possible so that it can start turning a profit.

5. Focus on developing 3 properties on each street as quickly as possible.

Once you have reached 3 houses, you will find that the amount of rent you can expect for each house maxes out – which means more money for you. By owning 3 houses on each street, you increase the chances of players landing on your properties and owing you money.

6. Create a housing shortage.

This is a highly strategic move and works really well! What is it all about? In general, the game of Monopoly only has 32 houses. If you set out to build 3 houses on all three properties, you will own a large portion of the houses. It works even better if you are able to aim for a second Monopoly and build 18 houses. This doesn't leave many houses for your opponents.

The trick is that players have to build 4 houses before they can build a hotel. With all the houses in your Monopoly, there's not much chance of that happening. It also means that their capacity to earn money or collect on rent is minimized.

7. Purchase orange and red properties.

If you want to bankrupt your competitors, you need to snap up spots on the board where they are most likely to land upon often. Statistically, the orange and red properties are landed on the most during a game of Monopoly. When you snap up those properties first, you have the opportunity to collect the most in rental fees.

8. Focus on acquiring complete color groups early on.

In the very first phase of the game, it is a good idea to acquire a complete color group. That means you need to get 2 to 3 properties of the same color in sides 1 and 2. You should do this even if it means that you have to trade side 2 and 3 properties. As soon as you have a complete color group, build 3 houses (no more than that).

9. If you don't build on single properties, they aren't a good investment.

Buying a single property is quite a waste of time and money if you don't build on the property. Rather avoid buying single properties if you won't build on them.

10. Don't waste money on utilities.

You might be surprised to learn that utilities don't offer a very good return on investment. In fact, the amount of money you can make on utilities in a game of Monopoly is dismal. Then there is also the fact that utilities cannot be upgraded like properties can.

Money In Monopoly

11. Later in the game, jail can be a good thing.

Early on in the game, you want to pay the fine and get out of jail so that you can work on acquiring property, but later on, being in jail can actually be beneficial to you. You can actually save money by staying in jail for your entire 3 turns, especially when the game is at the stage where the board is filled with hotels. The longer you are in jail, the lower your chances of landing on a block that demands rent or some other form of payment from you.

12. Create sustainable cash-flow by thinking small.

List Of Monopoly Game Versions

You might think that you need to race out the starting gates and immediately start snapping up expensive, fancy properties. The problem with this is that you might invest in a big and expensive property and then have no money to develop it. Kostenlose slot machine. Having various smaller properties guarantees you a more stable and steady income, and of course, it's much healthier for your cash-flow too.

13. Invest in properties 7 squares away from opponents.

If you are playing with two dice, which you should be, then the highest odds are on rolling a 7. It's a good idea to keep an eye on which properties your opponents have and look into investing in properties that are 7 squares away from them.

14. As soon as you get a set, mortgage everything.

Of course, your main aim is to get as much revenue as possible from your properties. When you have all of the cards that form one set, you should mortgage all of your properties. Use the acquired properties to buy and build houses.

15. Buy, sell, and rent properties while in jail (check the rules).

You probably didn't know this, but you can actually sit in jail and still buy, sell, and rent property. If anyone argues this with you, tell them to check the rules! It's all in there.


Always, always, always buy railroads if you can. Why, you ask? When you own railroads, you have a much greater chance of winning. Especially if you own all 4 railroads as every time someone lands on one, you can earn the maximum income of $200. When you own them all, there's a strong possibility that players will land on them at least once each during the game. Even if you cannot own all 4 railroads, owning one is still a great booster for you as it will go a long way to reducing your opponent's incomes.

3. Avoid buying hotels.

Hotels don't provide nearly as much revenue potential as owning 3 houses does. If you are focusing on buying hotels, you are leaving it open for your opponents to buy houses – and that could be detrimental to your end game.

4. Develop properties aggressively.

There's no point in being slow with property development. The idea is to get the property developed as quickly as possible so that it can start turning a profit.

5. Focus on developing 3 properties on each street as quickly as possible.

Once you have reached 3 houses, you will find that the amount of rent you can expect for each house maxes out – which means more money for you. By owning 3 houses on each street, you increase the chances of players landing on your properties and owing you money.

6. Create a housing shortage.

This is a highly strategic move and works really well! What is it all about? In general, the game of Monopoly only has 32 houses. If you set out to build 3 houses on all three properties, you will own a large portion of the houses. It works even better if you are able to aim for a second Monopoly and build 18 houses. This doesn't leave many houses for your opponents.

The trick is that players have to build 4 houses before they can build a hotel. With all the houses in your Monopoly, there's not much chance of that happening. It also means that their capacity to earn money or collect on rent is minimized.

7. Purchase orange and red properties.

If you want to bankrupt your competitors, you need to snap up spots on the board where they are most likely to land upon often. Statistically, the orange and red properties are landed on the most during a game of Monopoly. When you snap up those properties first, you have the opportunity to collect the most in rental fees.

8. Focus on acquiring complete color groups early on.

In the very first phase of the game, it is a good idea to acquire a complete color group. That means you need to get 2 to 3 properties of the same color in sides 1 and 2. You should do this even if it means that you have to trade side 2 and 3 properties. As soon as you have a complete color group, build 3 houses (no more than that).

9. If you don't build on single properties, they aren't a good investment.

Buying a single property is quite a waste of time and money if you don't build on the property. Rather avoid buying single properties if you won't build on them.

10. Don't waste money on utilities.

You might be surprised to learn that utilities don't offer a very good return on investment. In fact, the amount of money you can make on utilities in a game of Monopoly is dismal. Then there is also the fact that utilities cannot be upgraded like properties can.

Money In Monopoly

11. Later in the game, jail can be a good thing.

Early on in the game, you want to pay the fine and get out of jail so that you can work on acquiring property, but later on, being in jail can actually be beneficial to you. You can actually save money by staying in jail for your entire 3 turns, especially when the game is at the stage where the board is filled with hotels. The longer you are in jail, the lower your chances of landing on a block that demands rent or some other form of payment from you.

12. Create sustainable cash-flow by thinking small.

List Of Monopoly Game Versions

You might think that you need to race out the starting gates and immediately start snapping up expensive, fancy properties. The problem with this is that you might invest in a big and expensive property and then have no money to develop it. Kostenlose slot machine. Having various smaller properties guarantees you a more stable and steady income, and of course, it's much healthier for your cash-flow too.

13. Invest in properties 7 squares away from opponents.

If you are playing with two dice, which you should be, then the highest odds are on rolling a 7. It's a good idea to keep an eye on which properties your opponents have and look into investing in properties that are 7 squares away from them.

14. As soon as you get a set, mortgage everything.

Of course, your main aim is to get as much revenue as possible from your properties. When you have all of the cards that form one set, you should mortgage all of your properties. Use the acquired properties to buy and build houses.

15. Buy, sell, and rent properties while in jail (check the rules).

You probably didn't know this, but you can actually sit in jail and still buy, sell, and rent property. If anyone argues this with you, tell them to check the rules! It's all in there.

16. Form alliances to stop winning players.

It's not a team sport, but you can decide to work with another player if you want to slow down another player from consistently winning. These alliances are short-lived but can be highly beneficial to your end game.

17. Refuse to play 'house rules'.

When playing Monopoly with the family and friends, you might encounter some house rules that people apply to the game themselves (they are not part of the official rules). Www intertops com. If you refuse to play by these rules and only pay attention to the official Monopoly rules, you have more chance of winning.

18. Borrow as much as you need.

Don't apply the same amount of caution when borrowing money as you would in real life. The money is there to borrow, and if borrowing some will help you to get ahead, do it!

19. First, develop the property with a 'go-to' card.

When you only have enough money to buy 1 or 7 houses, do yourself a favor and make sure that the spare house goes onto the property with a 'Go-To' card.

20. Avoid the greens.

The green properties may seem tempting. Eucasino no deposit bonus code. After all, they are prime properties, but the reality is that they are over-priced and difficult to develop. They also aren't landed on often enough, which means that you could be sitting with a costly property that doesn't generate revenue for you. By the time you have spent all your money, the game will be over and your property will have done nothing for you.

Last Word

If you would like to increase your chances of winning at Monopoly, use the above tips, tricks, and strategies. I have, and it has made all the difference.

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